Break Free From the Cycle of Chronic Illness & Get Your Life Back

Discover what it takes to eliminate harmful nanoparticles in the body, a hidden root causes of chronic illnesses such as Lyme Disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, & Autoimmune Disorders

What You Will Learn

  • Find out how eliminate 3 root causes of an array of chronic illnesses, such as autoimmune disorders, that no doctor is talking about & what others have done to get better

  • Learn how to make your own equipment (EMP device/anti-nano device) for detoxing environmental toxins, such as nanoparticles and heavy metals, for more pain-free days ahead

  • Understand how to use your EMP devices safely & effectively

  • Learn how to rebuild & replenish your body by knowing the ways to neutralize & avoid nanoparticle buildup

  • Discover some handy remedies, WHICH DON'T COST AN ARM & A LEG, for every day ailments that you can make from home


What am I doing wrong?

Why can't I just get better?


You're doing nothing wrong!

I've been there - I know how you feel

You get little to no relief from the therapies & remedies you’ve tried.

You’ve done test after test with few results that were helpful.

You can’t find a lasting solution to the reason for your health problems.


Because the medical system you have been relying on either doesn’t have them or they are hidden.

Until Now...


Better strength

Radically reduced pain, including headaches, menstrual pain, joint pain

Reduced or eliminated fatigue

Lesions & tumours shrinking

Sharper mind, able to think straight again

Increased sense of well-being, anxiety attacks disappear

Less time spent managing symptoms means more time spent on things that matter in life, like family, friends, & hobbies

This is NOT an exhaustive list!

Your videos on how to make the bucket & triangle are so perfect...

You are positive & relaxed & you believe in what you're teaching. It really shows & helps us to want to follow your advice.


I took this workshop on a whim… and it's been life-changing for me!    My main health challenges are arthritis and other strange issues all my life.

Fiona is awesome, so down-to-Earth and knowledgeable… I could write a ton on how much I have learned and how much more I plan on learning. I feel in control of my health now and love my anti-nano baths the best! 

    Thanks again, Fiona! You are a great teacher and so patient with all my questions.  

Susan G.

Thanks Fiona!

I thought I had Lyme until I started looking for something else that was hindering many, including myself, from getting well...

I do believe it was the nano after feeling better after making the anti-nano bucket. I feel much better after 10 years of looking for relief.

Bernie M


It's For You If...

  • You suffer from a chronic symptoms on a daily basis & you WANT RELIEF

  • You’ve ‘been through the ringer’ of constant doctor visits & tests that lead nowhere

  • You know there is more to life than just managing symptoms

  • You know you deserve better & you are committed to yourself

What Does it Cost?


1-hour coaching calls -- $75 per hour X 4 calls (one per week)

= $300 value

Videos & written instructions for the bucket & triangle

= $150 value

Private client support group

= $97 value

Follow-up call with Fiona

$75 value

PDF download of remedies you can make from home

PDF download of Goodies Recipes You Can Eat While on the Anti-Nano Detox

= $45 value

Resources to help you understand the why behind this process

=$25 value

Total Value = $692 💰

🌟 Now $149 CAD 🌟

💰⭐️ 30-Day Money Back Guarantee ⭐️💰

If for any reason, you decide the program is not right for you, you will receive a full refund upon request -- no questions asked.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this a live course?

Yes! There are four sessions of one hour each from 5-6pm PST. The dates are as follows:

Mon, June 17th, 2024

Thurs, June 20th, 2024

Mon, June 24th, 2024

Thurs, June 27, 2024

I can't make it to the live classes. Will there be a recording?

Yes! After each class, the recordings will be posted to your course folder on the Fiona For Health platform.

When can I access the material?

Right away! You'll get an email with login informaiton. Please check your Spam folder in case you don't see it in your inbox.

Is this course a magical pill to my health problems?

No, there is no such thing. However, it is a key component, a missing piece, to many people's health problems these days, & if you are consistent with it, you will likely see results.

What kind of ongoing support will there be?

You will have access to the Nano Detox Community where you can access your teacher & others who have been or are doing the same process, so that you can ask questions, trade ideas, & have the support you need through the journey.

You will also have a complimentary follow-up call with Fiona. Be sure to book your call within 30 days of the enf of our program!

DISCLAIMER: The information contained on this page & within the coaching program are for informational & educational purposes only. No material here is intended to be used as a substitute for medical care, nor is it intended to promise cures or offer medical advice. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health care provider regarding any changes to your health care treatment plan.

© - Fiona For Health. All Rights Reserved